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To: lightwave@webcom.com
Subject: Re: Loading objects from Scenes
Lines: 26
Date: Fri, 21 Jul 95 01:07:04 PDT
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>> I have an Explosion object which is set up in its own Scene and which
>> explodes over 35 frames. I want to load this object/scene into my Space
>> battle scenes, for instance parenting the explosion to a fighter and
>> having it explode at, say, frame 90. However, when I load the explosion
>> in using 'Load from Scene' the explosion starts from frame 0 in its new
>> scene and ends at frame 35. I dont want it to start until frame 90! Is
>Two ways to do it (assuming I've followed the problen correctly):
>1. in the original explosion scene, offset the whole anim by
> how ever many frames using the "shift all keys" option in "scene".
Don't forget to make a keyframe at frame #1, otherwise you're just
STRETCHING the motions and envelopes, instead of actually shifting